debut's photos

  • Primo piano
  • February 1960 – This is the very first “on the road” tour of a still unknown and very young Rita Pavone.
  • September 1962: Ariccia ( Roman Castles )- “1st Festa degli Sconosciuti “ (The Rally of the Unknowns Artists) by Teddy Reno….and she wins….turning point of her life!
  • Rita celebrates the victory with her family
  • This is the beginning of Rita’s Roman adventure. Mommy and Daddy are always at her side.
  • Today, she has  her first musical session at RCA's  studios...
  • It’s gonna be a long, long day What Rita needs is a good and tasty Italian "Espresso"
  • Teddy Reno, her producer, starts giving her some good advise...
  • But, as time goes by, Rita seems to be a little "bored"
  • …but when the orchestra  starts playing…
  • It’s lunch time….. but everybody talks about business!
  • Rita's singles 45 first big hits!
  • ..first  autographes…
  • ..first fans…
  • ...first letters...
  • ..first dedications..
  • Rita Pavone : an "all  ages" and not "only" teenager favourite one!
  • Teddy Reno, Rita's personal manager, signs the first contracts!
  • and then others…
  • ..and others again and again…
  • The tour starts… with Teddy and Stelvio Cipriani, Rita’s personal pianist and orchestra’s conductor, always at her side like guardian angels…
  • April 1963 . Rita returns to her beloved Turin in Piedmont welcomed like the …famous Roman Conqueror of the legend.
  • Rita in action!
  • Rita is now a star, but still a kid…
  • What fighting spirit!